Saturday, February 20, 2010

virgin blogger

well. i swore i would never do it but here i am, blogging. i always assumed that people who blogged were just self absorbed, ego maniacs and maybe that is true, but i will never admit it. upon the urging of friend and fellow blogger, the fair weather runner, i thought i would give it a shot.
it is my 35th birthday today. my husband and i recently moved to CA and i am insanely homesick today. as beautiful as the ocean and the redwood forest is and as yummy as the crab i about to partake in at THE wine, cheese and crab festival... i would love nothing more than to be in cold, wet, ugly old wichita kansas if only for a day. but enough whining. (just bring me a bottle of wine!)
on a more positive note, i am officially signed up for the chicago marathon with many of my fellow running friends and couldn't be happier. after my huge disappointment in san fran, this as i have stated will be my redemption. just without the hills and hopefully the stress fracture. so in my attempt to return to running after a 4 month sabbatical in order to heal i am hoping that this will keep me honest. i no longer can rely on the FWR showing up at my door and 5am for training runs so.... Until the true training schedule begins i will be working at my own pace, trying like heck not to get injured. Yoga, biking, strength training, and running up to 3 days a week. i have found a great course along the coast that helps take my mind off the fact that i am out of running shape, this too shall pass.
so there it is. hopefully a few will find my ramblings somewhat entertaining. ;-)


  1. I must be the first to comment: Well done! The lowercase letters made me happy for some reason. Weird. Anyway, I'm thrilled you've found a new outlet for communication, it will be fun to follow you on your journey in Cali... Um, just don't get too carried away with 'blogspeak.'
    You might also refrain from double smileys :-)) AND definitely the infinity smiley (because that sh*t is just ridiculous).

  2. thanks for the props. i was a bit nervous making my blogging debut. all your advise has been dualy noted and i agree on all counts.

  3. Welcome! I just started blogging earlier this month as well. I think it been good motivation with training and in keeping me accountable. Good luck as you start back on your redemption training!

  4. hmmm...i've been thinking about starting again. i'm glad you're doing this. it makes me feel like you're closer to kansas, lol!

  5. YAYAY! it's YOUR BLOG! happy. thanks for humoring me ;) chicago is going to be amazing. i love all of this already. and now i'm a faithful follower. welcome to the blahgesphere my friend.

  6. Um, FWR MADE me follow your blog. ;) J/K...but man, can she be manipulative or what?? :)

    Looks like I'll be seeing you in Chi?? Good luck with your training and with your move/transition in Cali. Oh yes, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    PS - All the cool people blog. Oh, and if you blog AND you're a pisces, you're even cooler. ;)

  7. ashley,
    she IS pretty bossy, but that's why we love her! glad you're following nonetheless. i have seen you on fb so much i feel like i already kinda know you.

    yes, you will be seeing my in chicago! hopefully once i start training it will go well. the stress fracture is once again rearing it's ugly head into my plans...grrrr. thank god for p90x! good luck on your training as well. i look forward to hearing more about it on your blog. thanks for the birthday wishes. all the smart girls are pisces, as you well know. ;-)

  8. LOVE it! We were thinking something similar to "10/10/10 Redemption" after a BRUTAL Illinois Marathon on Saturday. Too funny! LOVE IT!
